Fox New's O'Reilly and Hannity responds to President Obama

Fox News hosts Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity responded Tuesday to President Obama's criticism of their network.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Obama said Fox News has a point of view that is "ultimately destructive" to the growth of the country.

"How on earth is Fox News hurting the middle class?" O'Reilly wondered aloud during a segment with Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley Tuesday night.

O'Reilly also said Obama criticized Fox because "50 percent of the commentators" on the network disagreed with the president, as opposed to other media outlets who "still love him."

Hannity, though, expressed outrage at the comments, leading his show with his reponse to Obama.

"Once again, we are seeing if you disagree with the president's left-wing agenda, you do so at your own risk," he said, before blasting Obama for his economic and foreign policy.

"Mr. President, this network did not put into place policies that are going to result in higher taxes, higher health care premiums and fewer jobs," Hannity said.

SOURCE: huffingtonpost

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